Dear Members,
At 10 am this morning we should be socialising with each other and getting ready to start our meeting. But here we are at home in the second month of lockdown.
Our guest speaker would have been Andrew Roper, giving us an insight into Rhododendrons. I will be in touch with him to try to get information to print for you in the next newsletter.
This month I am featuring Jo Reitze, whom last month would have talked to us on “Painting Your Garden”. She is a passionate gardener as well as being an artist, and a lovely person.
We will certainly be re-booking her as a speaker for next year.
As talk of easing restrictions comes into play, we still have no idea of when, or how, our club meetings will be in the future. As a “vulnerable” and large group, it may take longer for us to resume.
We will certainly have to carefully consider looking after members’ health and welfare in the future i.e.
If nothing else, many of our health habits may improve for the better after Covid 19, as we have become more aware of the wellbeing of those around us. There always has to be a “silver lining”.
I really want this club newsletter to be compiled from your wealth of knowledge, gardening experiences/triumphs and observations of what’s around you. Whilst I am really happy to produce it for you, your feedback, photo’s and suggestions for content are very welcome, make my task easier and provide what you, our members, want to read about. If you have something to offer, simply reply to this email.
A very big thanks to all the members who have contributed to our May edition of the newsletter, to make it so colourful and interesting.
The Great Victorian Hanging Basket Competition has now gone online in a truncated form and it is up to you to choose your favourite baskets from the basket survey.
Follow this link to view this year’s wonderful entries. You are now the judges! Voting closes this Sunday 17 May, so follow the link and make your winning choices NOW.
Keep safe and well, and hopefully when we contact you next month, we may have some news as to when we can meet again. Enjoy your May newsletter which you will find attached.
Warmest regards,
Fiona Lynch
CMGC President