Dear Members,
My best intentions to get the newsletter out to you at the time of the scheduled monthly meeting this morning failed this month, so I do apologise for that. But at least I have got it out on the day.
When the cold weather really hit us, the aches and pains in my hip multiplied and I decided that lockdown was probably a good time to go and have a hip replacement. Amazingly, this happened 1 ½ weeks after this thought, as elective surgery had only just opened and people were too scared to book back in for their operations, so there were plenty of spaces available. The op has been a huge success and I was walking unaided by crutches or sticks 2 days after the op. The wonders of modern medicine!! The hospital was immaculate, the procedures impeccable and overall it was a very good experience. I am telling you this in case you, or your friends, have been holding back on getting procedures done at this time. Hospitals have probably never been cleaner or more efficient.
Whilst I would love to give you good news about when we can meet again, that’s not going to happen this month, but be assured that we are working towards it. Until Daniel Andrews allows about 50 people to meet together, we can’t quite see how to conduct a meeting. We have considered zoom or the like, but there are too many of us and we don’t wish to exclude members who are not so adept with technology.
I hope that despite the cold, gardens have given you some solace during lockdown. The thing that I have noticed most is that I now observe gardens, plants and street scapes so much more than I used to on my dog walks. Other members have told me that they walk around the neighbourhood rating people’s gardens. What fun!
I want to send a special thanks to the members who have contributed to the newsletter this month with photos or ideas. It is greatly appreciated and makes my job much easier. As you will see in the attached, it is quite a pictorial edition this month and I want you to know that most of the photos have been taken by our members. We have a lot of talent in our membership. If you would like to contribute to future editions of the newsletter, please don’t hesitate to do so. It can be a topic, an idea or pictures of something that either interests you, or that you have achieved in your garden.
Be assured that your garden club committee misses you and our meetings, and will do whatever we can to get our club up and running again at the first opportunity.
Till then, please enjoy the CMGC June newsletter. Take care and stay well.
Warmest regards,
Fiona Lynch
President - CMGC