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Thursday, 9 July, 2020

Dear Members,

No, we have not forgotten you and there is a newsletter this month which you will find attached. Truth be told, just when we were starting to see light at the end of the tunnel and were making plans as to how to re-ignite our club, we went back into lockdown. Like many others, this left me feeling flat as a tack, and I just couldn’t seem to summon the energy to produce the newsletter. However, when members started contacting me I rallied and here we are once again.

As you would be aware, we had scheduled the AGM in July with a sumptuous high tea. This of course has not happened, but as an incorporated club, we still need to hold an AGM and will have to do this via a Zoom meeting on the computer. Obviously we would like as many of you as possible to attend this meeting which I will announce soon in a special email. The date I have in mind is Thursday 13 August. If you are able to use Zoom, please send me a reply email with just the word “YES” in the subject line.

The succession of our club is very important and the AGM is the forum in which the new CMGC committee is voted in. We are looking for volunteers to fill all the executive roles in the club:

President – My husband and I have bought a property in WA and will be moving over there in the new year, so I cannot continue in this position.

Vice President – Rod Waples is happy to stay on the committee but wishes to stand down as Vice President.

Secretary – Christine Frattin would like to retire from this position after serving in this role for the past 4 years.

Treasurer – Terry Poskitt has kindly filled this role in a temporary capacity and would like to stand down.

Our  club needs new blood in the executive committee. If you think you have the skills needed to fill one of these roles, or can nominate someone you think has the potential to do so, please contact me ASAP via return email. The future of the CMGC is dependent on finding a new group of dedicated people to run the club.

With regards to the club finances, we did receive the annual grant from BCC of $10,000 and as of today, our current CBA balance is a healthy $26,631.07.

Stay safe, keep well and enjoy the attached newsletter.

Warmest regards,

Fiona Lynch

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