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Thursday, 13 August, 2020

Dear CMGC member,

Another month and another meeting today that we have missed. How we wish we could bring you some good tidings as to when we might meet again, but sadly that’s not to be. So what we can bring you in the attached newsletter is some gorgeous colour, some interest and hopefully for a short time, we can transport you mentally out of your 4 walls into another garden or place.

We will not be holding an AGM via Zoom just yet, as there is a bit to sort out first and a few skills to learn, but hopefully it will happen sooner rather than later. For those of you who answered re Zoom, thank you. For those of you who can’t attend, you are welcome to email me with anything you would like discussedon an agenda. When and if we have an AGM, detailed minutes will be emailed to you all after the meeting.

Last week I attended an online meeting with the BCC for the Presidents of all the clubs in Boroondara.  Most of these clubs are populated with senior citizens and the ones that are thriving in Covid19 are those whose members are computer/device literate and have recently become competent Zoom users. Some clubs are holding weekly activities for their members via Zoom to keep them active, engaged and connected. Sadly a lot of members in these clubs don’t embrace new technology and are missing out and feeling very isolated, which causes us (The Presidents) and the Council great concern.

This is the reason that I invited Gerald Hughes of U3A Deepdene to speak to our club members this month. As this was not to be, a page of this newsletter has been devoted to what he would have said and how it would have benefited you.

To survive Stage 4 lockdown intact, we all need to find projects to do, interesting books to read, good programs or podcasts to listen to on the radio and close friends/family to talk to on the phone. If you are feeling anxious, please don’t suffer in silence and do ask your support friends for help.

Boroondara Library Service in Lockdown

You can now register to have books delivered to your home. To do so, simply ring your local  library, give them your card number and confirm your address to register. This can also be done online. Then you can:

  1. Order a bundle of books on a set topic or authors, including large print.
  2. You can reserve individual books from the online catalogue.
  3. You can order individual DVD’s.
  4. You can order audio books to listen to on your phone.

Some may available from the library shelves, whilst others may be on a waiting list. Currently it’s about a week wait for delivery once the book/s become available .

Gardening Radio/TV Programmes


ABC TV 7.30 pm - Monty Don gardens.


3AW After the 7. 00 am news - 9.00am.

774 – 9.30 am-10.00am


3AW.- about - 8.00am.

3CR  - 7.30. am - 9.15. am.  This is a podcast of previous programmes relevant to the current season. 


Lockdown legacies

Whether we like it or not, we are experiencing a historic moment in time that will be discussed for years to come. What legacy will you leave from your lockdown experience? It doesn’t matter how big or small your legacy is, it’s worth thinking about so that you can look back and say, “I did that in lockdown.” e.g. This newsletter is one of the legacies that I will leave. But it can be as simple as a craft project, writing letters, poetry, planting a new garden or window box, doing a painting or drawing. etc. If you would like to drop me a line about your legacy or send me a photo, we would like to do a special attachment on member’s lockdown legacies, if we get enough contributions.

Help me please!

A lot of work goes into preparing this monthly newsletter for you. The task becomes much easier when we receive photos, ideas and points of discussion from our club members. Although it doesn’t feel like it now, Spring is approaching and we would all love to see what’s bursting into flower or fruit in your garden. Since lockdown, there has been much discussion on the radio about all the different birds that are being spotted in people’s gardens. If you have taken photos of unusual or beautiful birds, please send them through to me by the end of the month so that we can feature them in the September edition.

Nearly all the photos you see in these newsletters are taken by our members, so we have a lot of talent in our club. Once again a very big thank you to all the contributors, and next month I hope to see some new ones.

Take care, stay well and do keep in touch.

Warmest regards,

Fiona Lynch

CMGC President


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