Gardening in Pots

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Melissa King
Thursday, 9 May, 2019

Melissa King, from Northcote Pottery, spoke to members about the art of pot growing, what to grow and how to have success with everything from small trees to small plants.  Melissa’s expertise is in designing combinations of plants with the correct size pots for aesthetic appeal.  She showed photos of her work as she explained how she groups pots of same shape and design, but different sizes together.  Melissa prefers to use large pots rather than the cluttered look of groups of small pots together.  With the added benefit of larger pots not drying out as quickly as small pots.

Showing photos, Melissa explained the design concept of Thrill, Fill and Spill. Choose a Tall plant to plant towards the back of the pot to thrill, another plant that will fill out the pot and a plant that will spill over and down the side of the pot.

Melissa said it is becoming very popular to grow small fruit trees in pots. Growers are now grafting fruit trees onto dwarf stock for this purpose.  

Always use a good quality potting mix when planting, mixing water storing crystals in at the same time.  Replenish or repot every 2-3 years. Pot plants need to be fed every 2 weeks with a liquid feed.

Melissa believes indoor plants enhance a home, being surrounded by green invokes a feel good mood and improves the oxygen levels in the air.


Melissa kindly donated the following garden products to raffle:-

  • Seasol
  • Powerfeed
  • Water storing crystals
  • Wetting agent


Contact details for Melissa King

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