Peter Allen explained the concept of Permaculture is a design system for sustainable human settlements.
The ethics of Permaculture:-
. Care of the earth
. Care of people
. Fair share, distribute the surplus
. Set limits to consumption and reproduction
. Care of the spirit
Principals of Permaculture:-
. Observe and Interact
. Catch and store energy
. Plan for efficiency, i.e. use gravity, nutrient cycling
. Use & value renewable resources and services
. Produce no waste
. Design from patterns
. Use & value diversity
. Creatively use and respond to change
. Concentrate on improving soil
Permaculture is a network of individuals and groups spreading permaculture design solutions in both rich and poor countries around the world. Unsupported by governments or business, permaculture activists are contributing to a more sustainable future by reorganising their lives and work around permaculture design principals.
Peter began the commercial Permaculture Commercial Guild and runs courses to train people in the principal of permaculture.
Peter told members about his 15 acre property in Olinda on which he and his wife live a sustained and self- supporting lifestyle run by the principles and ethics of permaculture.
Telopea Mtn Permaculture & Nursery
Peter kindly donated two books to be raffledy.