Rod Noonan outlined mounting an Elkhorn fern. He stated that the mum Elkhorn keeps breeding and little ones grow out at the top and if you remove “babies” and place in a pot for approximately 18 months, they will then be able to be mounted on a board. He recommended for boards, recycling off-cuts sourced from building sites
Rod discussed the Staghorn beetle – half the size of a ladybird, and can be clear – grey – brown in color. They can be difficult to see, live in the plant and sick plants affected by the beetle look like they have gunshot wounds. Rod advised the use of Maverick spray.
Two handouts, and a root tip of an elk were circulated. The handouts from the Fern Society included:
The Staghorn Fern Beetle
Dividing a Large Elk
To mount an Elkhorn:
- Mark centre of the board (to ensure you centre the plant)
- Use a template if you have one
- To enhance watering, you can make reservoirs by chiselling out wood where elkhorn will be attached.
- Place wire down bottom of elkhorn as grows from top.
- Essentially elkhorn will attach itself to the board.
Rod advised to keep your elkhorns in the shade, morning sun might be OK, as they dry out in the sun.