Rex Chugg, from the Frankston Geranium & Pelargonium Society advised that geraniums are called pelargoniums and they were originally from South Africa and England The varieties are Zonal, Regal and Ivy leafed.
Rex advised that cuttings can still be taken in March and he demonstrated how easy they are to propagate by cutting above a node (3-4inches long, pencil thickness). Stripping away the leaves and planting in moist potting mix in a tube/ polystyrene cup. Place in a sheltered spot for 4-6 weeks to strike and after 3 months, about May/June, repot without disturbing the roots into a 5-6 inch pot. Feed now and tip prune in July.
To treat whitefly and grubs, use Dipel/Rogor and for rust, pinch off the leaves and dispose in the rubbish bin.