Grevillea & Native Plants

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Graeme Woods
Thursday, 10 November, 2016
Graeme stated he had presented at Camberwell Morning Garden Club 3 years ago, and had many compliments for the club. Today, he had travelled from his home in Gisborne. He is a well known and prolific gardener of natives. He is active in the conservation of  a rare Grevillea from Western Australia and Queensland, and has assisted in its re-introduction in Western Australia. Graeme stated that there are so many native plants on the verge of extinction.
Graeme explained that there are 400 species of Grevilleas all over Australia. Don Burke produced the first book on Grevilleas.
To plant Grevilleas, dig a hole, plant above soil level, place a handful of rooster booster and neutrog. Prune a little and prune to shape. Feed Grevilleas in pots once per year, and add epsom salts for iron deficiency. For propogation by grafting, await consistent warm weather. Take cuttings in October or November.
Graeme showed photos of his garden in Gisborne, he has 3.5 acres facing north.
Graeme presented a slide show of Grevilleas, in alphabetical order:
Armigera, Batrachioides, Bipinnatifidas, Buifidia (spider flower), Cugiana, Dielsiana, Eriobotrya (wool), Eriostachya, Fastgiata, Georgeana, Globosa, Insignis, Intricata, Jucifolia, Leucopteris, Maccutcheonii Manglesiorides, Nivea, Ogliomera, Paradoxa, Petrophiloides Pink, Polybotrya, Plurijuga, Quercifolia, Rhyolitica (from coastal NSW), Rudis, Shuttleworthiana, Superba, Stenomerce, Treveriana, Umbellulala, Victoriae, Wilteri, Zygoloba.

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