Our guest speaker was Graham Brumley who has been growing daffodils for 20 years on two large blocks at Leongatha.Graham spoke with great detail about his experiences and the knowledge he has accumulated, illustrated by many beautiful slides of the different divisions of daffodils. We were all excited to learn of the lovely green daffodils, particularly one of Graham's favourites named "Emerald Sea", which had white flowers with a green centre. Graham explained that jonquils are actually a variety of daffodil and when he develops new varieties he names them after Australian rivers.Daffodils should be grown in the open, as they do less well under trees. They need to be planted in well prepared ground. Graham recommends tying the leaves as the daffodils die down. This forces the nutrients to descend into each bulb. He also suggests using different plants e.g. petunias as the following rotation.He had two big buckets of many beautiful varieties of cut daffodils which were divided up and taken home by grateful members.