Royal Children’s Hospital Garden

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Julie Robinson
Thursday, 8 November, 2012

Julie Robinson and Jacqueline Coad were our speakers today.

Julie has been a volunteer for the Hospital for over 12 years.  Julie explained that the garden provides a refuge for children attending the hospital and their families.

The original garden was started in the late 1990’s with a few pots.  The playground was built in 2000 and was eventually surrounded by garden.  The space grew over the years and the rooftop garden moved to the ground.

Many staff, volunteers, patients and their families worked tirelessly to create the garden and provide creative activities such as painting and making mosaic tiles and pots.  The auxiliary is called ‘Dirty Hands, Happy Hearts’ and they have purchased fountains and other decorative features for the garden.

Working in the garden assists the children’s recovery and is incorporated into their treatment.  Their patron is Dame Elisabeth Murdoch who understands and appreciates the benefits the garden provides.

‘A Breath of Fresh Air’, written by Trisha Bowen provides stories of the garden.

Julie explained that with the relocation of the hospital, there are challenges to be overcome but the enthusiastic volunteers are working hard to establish another beautiful garden to provide relief and respite for patients and their families.

Julie had brought along a dvd featuring one of their patients, Maddy, who had lost her family and suffered terrible injuries in the Ash Wednesday fires.  Maddy made a fantastic hostess for a tour of the garden which was most inspiring.

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