Chloe, who has a degree in Agricultural Science, works with Neutrog in a role involving presenting to garden clubs, which she really enjoys. She is a passionate gardener and delights in growing things that she can eat – her garden is full of fruit and vegetable plants and herbs.Neutrog has been around since the 1980s and is located in a remote location, due to the smell of the products, as well as having factories in Ireland and South African. The company is involved in community development and support. They are happy to support community gardens and other projects.Their biggest market is commercial, but they have now diversified into retail sales as well. They supply commercial growers and that has raised their profile. These commercial growers assist with testing and trialling their products.
Two of their products – Sudden Impact for Roses and Strike Back for Orchids – have been endorsed by the relevant societies, who then receive products at a discount.Flemington Racecourse, the Botanic Gardens in Melbourne and Cranbourne, all use their products. Jane Edmonson and other celebrity gardeners have written garden guides specific to each state. These guides are available to purchase today at a discount price.
The Pooh Bah Foundations came about to cement what they do with the community – they have developed a product in conjunction with the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation. They have developed a product called ‘Rocket Fuel’ which is safe and effective for the children to use. This helps the children learn about growing and cooking their own food, fresh from the garden. They also work with the Royal Talbot Centre in Kew and the Living Legends homestead for retired racehorses.
Beautifying the gardens at Royal Talbot has assisted the patients there with their recovery.
The Pooh Bah club is free to join and a club for gardeners.
All their products are based on chicken manure, which is seasoned for 8-10 weeks, being turned and watered, which neutralises the pH and makes it smell less. It is then taken to the factory and combined with other ingredients and steam treated to eradicate weeds. It is then pelletised to use. Crumbled products are absorbed faster – pellets release the nutrients more slowly.
Most of their products are certified organic and have no added chemicals. These are great for herbs, vegetables and fruit.
New products are constantly being designed and tested – they are currently developing liquid forms of Sudden Impact and a fertiliser for camellias and acid loving plants.
The two new products are Rocket Fuel and Go Go Juice. Some of the profit from Rocket Fuel is donated to the Stephanie Alexander Foundation. Rocket Fuel is easy to use and great for all plants. Go Go Juice is a brew, made in steel vats comprising seaweed, manure, water and beneficial bacteria. The bacterium releases the nutrients into a form available to the plants. It is particularly good for establishing roots on new plants. It is a tonic that will revive plants that are looking sickly. It is like Yakult for plants! It is concentrated and needs to be diluted before use.
Year-round fertilising produces the best results. You feed the roots during winter then apply a spring application of fertiliser for growth.
Chloe provided catalogues explaining the full range of products, which included a year-round program to keep the garden looking at its best.
Rooster Booster is available at Bunning’s; the same product is called Bounce Back at independent nurseries.
Rapid Raiser has a bit more ‘oomph’ and great for vegetables and seedling.
Seamungus is fortified with seaweed and brown coal – very nurturing to establish new plants and won’t burn roots. It can also be used on native plants.
Use Rooster Booster or Seamungus when plants are dormant.
For lawn use Blade Runner or Seamungus at any time of the year, they are great for roots and soil.
Potassium is added to Sudden Impact and Strike Back to improve flowering. The trace elements in Strike Back are great for potted plants, which lose these elements when watered.
There are also various types of soil conditioners available, some of which have crazy names.
Chloe then fielded a range of questions from members and generously provided samples of the products for members to take home.