Our guest speaker was Judy Vanrenan, founder of Botanica World Discoveries, which has been established for 10 years.
The company focuses on botanically themed trips visiting beautiful sights throughout the world.
Judy has also established ‘Wiltshire’, a garden in Dunkeld, near Hamilton in the Southern Grampians, which is opened only to travellers on her tours.
Judy showed a DVD featuring her beautiful property and showcasing the tours, which feature 4-5 star hotels and iconic sightseeing by luxury coach, as well as private and public gardens.
New features feature ‘Fork-to-Fork’ concept – from the garden to the plate.
The company also takes groups to various flower and garden shows including the MIFGS, Floriade in the Netherlands and other overseas shows such as The Chelsea Flower Show and Hidecote.
Judy has just put together a botanically themed river cruise of Europe for 2012.
Judy then described her own garden, which features rugosa roses, and stonewalls, made from local stone gather in her garden and her neighbours’ gardens and a 100kg bronze pear.