Our guest speaker was Fran Penna, whose business ‘Frangipani’ does garden makeovers and has a beautiful website.
Fran also hosts a radio program on 94.1FM on the 2ndMonday of each month, from 5.30-6.00pm, and ‘The Good Earth’ garden show each Saturday morning between 10 and 11am.
Fran’s topic was Permaculture and sustainable living which she has been practicing since the 1970s.
Fran explained that Permaculture is really all about following sensible principles, working with nature and thinking first before doing anything.
Fran gave us lots of useful tips and hints about composting, saving and harvesting water and recycling.
Fran told us about a product called ‘Smartburn’ which makes open fires burn low, and explained that the ash from our fires can be used on the garden, as its high in potassium.
Compost thrives on bacteria, which is why anti-bacterial matter such as citrus and onions, don’t work. The worms eat the bacteria that the compost generates. You can use any organic matter even bread and meat, but must keep the bin sealed tight. Aerate your compost regularly with a fork and remember that worms need moisture.
Add the compost to your soil to enrich it prior to planting. When selecting vegetables to plant, think about what you like to eat, and remember you can use vertical areas if space is limited.
Spinach, rocket, lettuce, sorrel, silverbeet, celery tomato, capsicum, chillies, broccoli, pumpkins, potatoes and artichokes are all in Fran’s garden.
If space is an issue, fruit trees can be bought in dwarf varieties and berries such as blueberries and raspberries, as well as herbs, can be grown in pots
The key is thinking first and working with nature to make the most of it, we should share our ideas and resources to improve society.