Isabella Olszewski from Northern Metropolitan Institute of TAFE, spoke to us about pests and diseases and how to rid your garden of them without the use of strong chemical sprays. Such sprays discourage butterflies and other good things in the garden.
She began her talk by asking the members to name the many pests and diseases that beset roses in our gardens, and she wrote the large list up on the whiteboard.
She pointed out that plants develop diseases and attract pests when they are under stress, and that if you look after them, they should be ok! This includes doing a few things correctly:
Soapy water or white oil for aphids, white scale
Sulphur spray for aphids, spider mite, thrip, black spot, rust and mildew
Remove and destroy diseased leaves
Cut wasp gall from citrus before August and put in bin
7. Also helpful is companion planting to keep pests away.
Garlic and chives keep aphids away