Joan introduced Helen Marriot, a teacher and clivia expert, who has travelled to South Africa and Japan in her quest for clivias. Helen has moved from our area to Narre Warren where she has more room to indulge her passion.
Both pronunciations of the name ‘clivia’ are acceptable!
Helen explained that the British discovered clivias in South Africa and there are six species in the genus. They were taken back to England in the 1800’s to Lady Clive, which is how they got their name. We have had them in Australia quite some time and clumps can be found in Botanic Gardens and inner suburbs.
They are tough plants that multiply rapidly and can be grown in pots. Helen breeds the plants herself and it’s best to divide them in the warmer months. Colours range from pale creams, yellows, oranges and even red. On 22 September there is a free show that will feature different varieties of clivias. Helen demonstrated dividing and repotting plants and after flowering you can enjoy the colourful berries.